Picture pages, Picture Pages...

Picture blogging today

First is a comparison of me at 4 and Little Man at 2.5. That is little old me on the top picture, and my wonderful genetic progeny below. I have doomed him, doomed him I say. I am disturbed to see the same expression on his angelic face. On top of that, I am surprised with myself for showing you my 4 year old picture. I have buttons un-done and I did not comb my hair that day. Really I am a mess. Of course, Little Man is still in his jammies, but he is playing with a train. Lucky Bastard! I had a polystyrene apple to look at, and a faux book with no pages, and if I remember correctly, the globe was only half a globe as well.

Second on deck is one of Little Man’s more peculiar eating frenzies. Please note: that is a can of DelMonte Summer Crisp Corn. This delicacy is referred to as “cornch” by Little Man. Anyway we got one of those new fangled can openers that does not leave a jaggedy edge. It was safe, damnit! It was safe.

Yep, he ate the whole can of cornch, most of it straight from the can sans utensils.

To Recap:
Phrases you do not like to hear: “With your lack of experience…”
I was not able to watch much of the Olympics this year
I hear some countries other than the US competed
Don’t have much to recap about
G-Money and B-Dawg were both in Colorado this weekend
I wasn’t
This makes me sad