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These interviews do not fit neatly into a single category... maybe as I do more 20 Questions Tuesday interviews some of these will migrate into a new category of greatness. Do not think that their lack of category makes them in any way shape or form "less than." These interviews are all enjoyable and informative, they just have no peers with which to group.
These interviews do not fit neatly into a single category... maybe as I do more 20 Questions Tuesday interviews some of these will migrate into a new category of greatness. Do not think that their lack of category makes them in any way shape or form "less than." These interviews are all enjoyable and informative, they just have no peers with which to group.
Bob Basiewicz
Bob Basiewicz is another person that I work with. He is also a goddamn delight and he makes me laugh. He is a really good man and has on overflowing amount of hockey analysis within him.
Susan McGowan
Susan McGowan is a coworker and now good friend. She has done everything and been many many places. Her way with words makes me realize that I should not be writing. Read it!
Sammi Grant
Sammi Grant is an amazing accent coach based out of Chicago, Illinois. She is lovely and gives some really great advice for sighted people to interact with people who have issues with vision.
Bryan Brush
Bryan Brush is an insightful and delightful person. He was the host of a now on indefinite hiatus podcast and is currently working towards some graduate level degrees in Instructional Design. I really enjoyed this 20 Questions because of how patiently he put up with the jackassery of my questions.
Cobra Commander
Cobra Commander is an 80's icon. He is surprisingly candid while he says absolutely nothing. But while I was worried that the interview would end in the slaughter of my family and everyone I hold dear, it merely ended with the Commander wanting some more coffee.
Tom Gehrke
Tom Gehrke is a delightful man whom I am very happy to have gotten to know through the Internet. Thanks Tom, you da best.
Ann Marie McCallister
Ann Marie McCallister is the Baklava Fairy... Do I really need to say anything else to get you to read this interview?
Brian Troyan
Brian Troyan is the commander of the 501st Midwest Garrison.. read all about it
Mike Milloy
Mike Milloy and I became friend in the blogging boom of 2005/2006. He is the father of three and one of the coordinators for the Movember festivities in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Bill Meeks
Bill Meeks is a video producer and all around great guy. He is a budding author and you should read this interview before he becomes too big for this interview.
Cuddlah Army
Cuddlah Army was the sole spokesperson for the fan community for the podcast, Walking the Room with Greg Behrendt and Dave Anthony. Since the time of this interview, Cuddlah army is more than one person and the shared responsibility of the listeners to that podcast.
Sally Kuzemchak
Sally Kuzemchak is a nutricionist who focuses primarily on healthy snacks and food for kids. She also just so happens to be my little boy's best friend's mom.
Clark Gregg
Clark Gregg... that's right, actor/writer/all around swell guy, Clark Gregg.
Umm... Me, I guess
L. Sig...
She asks me questions all the time, well I ask her 20... I kind of cheat a bit because we are friends from college
All Rileyed Up
For this installment of 20 Questions Tuesday I am interviewing the much sought after Riley from All Rileyed Up. I started reading her blog about 3 years ago and have watched it transform a few times. Her irreverence knows few bounds, and her posts and comments smell distinctly of sarcasm. Riley is one of the few denizens of the net that I would really like to get to know more.
It's s pseudonym, she chose it. Who am I to judge.