Writing Exercise

Days where I cannot come up with a topic will involve some weird writing exercises. This one was given to me by some drunkard from my college days.

And Captain Jenkins raised what was left of his right hand to signal the final charge on the German trenches. After the first sweep of the German machine guns 90% of the charging force was stopped in the muddy wasteland between the trenches, the other 10% were being propelled skyward by the myriad of artillery fire haphazardly peppering no-man’s land and by the land mines that were now randomly strewn about the battlefield. At one time the land mines were planted in orderly rows with white picket fences (The way land mines were meant to be planted), but over the course of the war these explosive devices had been messed about all higgley-piggley and the picket fences with nice shrubberies were replaced with the metallic tasting barbed wire that one often finds keeping the cows from taking over Texas. For all know that without the wire that is barbed, the bovine revolution would have to be held in check by the sheep-herders and their flocks of wooly commandos, but that is a story for another time. This is about the fifth charge on the German trenches of the mediocre captaincy of Captain Jenkins. One would think with a name like Captain Jenkins he would be better at being a Captain, but one would be wrong and should most likely keep one’s opinions to oneself. One is awfully nosey, one is.

Captain Jenkins rallied we remaining 4 men to continue pushing toward the German lines, because that was the way of trench warfare. First Captain Jenkins would signal the charge, and then people would charge until there weren’t many people left, and then what was left of Captain Jenkins would rally what was left of his command and those 5 people would heroically dash into the German trenches to gain a new foothold for the British in France, for the sun should never set on the British Empire, unless, of course, it is night-time and then the sun shouldn’t be up at all. The second sweep of machinegun fire, of course killed the rest of us for the third time that day, but being dead merely 3 times over is not enough to stop the dogged charge of the British. Everyone knows that a Brit charging the German lines is quick like a cat and has as many lives providing the cat of comparison is not dodging busses in a busy road or placed into a cage with hungry badgers. For future reference, let’s assume all metaphors from now on imply a certain lack of hungry badgers and confined spaces. It is just safer that way, both for the badgers and for their human meals.

The five of us crested the lip of the German trench in time to see the shocked expressions of those whose conversation had just been interrupted by muddy soldiers intent on killing. Of course, by “five” I truly mean three of us, what was left of Captain Jenkins and oddly a badger in a uniform (they are sometime referred to as Scots especially if one defines “uniform” as a skirt). You can’t follow either a Scot or a badger in times of conversation that is just the way it is.

Luckily for the astonished Germans caught in betwixt conversational topics, the whistle to withdraw had been given considering our 134% personnel losses during this final charge of the day. I nicked a German biscuit and started the sloppy deadly withdrawal process of re-crossing no-man’s land, with what was left of the mediocre Captain Jenkins, a badger in a dress, and 2 other chaps with poor dental hygiene in tow.

To recap:
This weekend Little Man re-discovered Cap’n Crunch cereal
By this weekend, I mean yesterday
4.5 bowls of cereal later the roof of his mouth was hurting
So much that he decided to forego dinner
Much to his chagrin at bedtime
My stomach is a bit on the upset side today
Stupid Stomach!
Or should I say, "Stupid Stomachabitch!"

Getting all political

I usually do not weigh in on politics and/or political happenings. I find that political discussions tend to bring out the absolute worst in people. There are three types of political conversations that can occur. The first two are the most common. Conversation Type the First is when people agree with each other. These political conversations tend to turn mean-spirited very quickly and devolve into attacks against other viewpoints. Basically it is almost a series of one-upmanship of who can make fun of the opposition more.

Conversation Type the Second is when people do not agree with each other. Perfectly sane people will devolve into mouth-foaming wing-nuts when presented with opposing view points. Political discussions often rapidly devolve from the ivory tower position for or against something into personal attacks often culminating into attacks on previous political decisions and family lineage. That is one of the big reasons I don’t like political conversations.

Conversation Type the Third is when one or more of the conversation participants is apathetic. The conversation gets no where and at least one person leaves the conversation wondering why they just wasted their time.

So, I do not want to get into an alternate to my stance bashing session (a la Conversation Type the First), or a personal attack argument (a la Conversation Type the Second), or a waste of my time (a la Conversation Type the Third), and that is why I stay out of political topics.

Not today though. Today I will wade fearlessly into the political slush that is today’s blogosphere. I know you are thinking that with all of the primaries going on and how active the political landscape has been lately with primary season on around us that I will be posting something about whom I would endorse if asked. Well, I am not touching that crap with a ten foot pole. That shyte is a volatile morass of explodihood. “What are you going to get all political about then?” you ask.

Well, I think it is about time that I finally allowed my bile to spew forth considering the MLB Steroid abuse issues. WTF?!?! WHY IS CONGRESS EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS?!?!? Seriously people? What is the point? Are there not enough real governmental issues going on to deal with? Aren’t there poor folk, rich folk, old folk, disabled folk, minority folk, white folk, military folk, foreign folk, etc… that need decisions made about actual budgetary and legislative stuff? Shouldn’t congress be battling with each other about who gets what and how much? What does Congress care if some ball players are suping it up? How is this internal MLB matter of any interest to the United States Congress? WTH!?!?! Will there be a national law against steroid use in professional sports when this is over? Why are they wasting my money on this?!?

Hey, MLB! Take care of your own shit. Come up with a steroid policy. MLB Players Union, stop doping and grow up. Congress, get back to governmental stuff! And quit wasting my money.

To recap:
Not sure what will be for dinner tonight
We need to get the counter tops in place prior to the sink being installed
Added a feed to the site
I should see my readership just going through the roof now
Many have asked for a feed for a long time now
Many = 1 or 2
I am starting to see the light at the end of my own personal illness tunnel
Hopefully there will be some gym-time in my near future

Mea Culpa and 2 things

So last week didn’t end quite how we had hoped it would end. On Tuesday of last week, major demolitions to one wall were conducted in the kitchen remodel. Dust went everywhere. We stayed at the hoose Tuesday evening, but Wifey and Little Man’s breathing determined that staying at Mimma’s house was necessary Wednesday and possibly Thursday . Wednesday afternoon rolls around and both Wifey and I feel like burnt monkey asses. We initially attribute this feeling to the dust inhalation, but later on we realize it is because we are ILL. We contaminated Mimma’s house until late Thursday evening and sickened our own residence for the rest of the weekend.

It was a bizarre illness because it would come in waves. Wifey would be out of commission for a bit and then it was my turn. Fever, sinus stuff, and sore throat… you know, burnt monkey assery. I did not feel like I got on top of it until Sunday night at about 9 pm. Little Man is still in the midst of it, and it seems like Wifey might be on the mend.

Whilst staying at Mim’s I was unable to post because her house is curiously cut-off from civilization. You see, she lives in a mythical house that does not have cable tv or a connection to the Internets. Not to mention that the she cannot receive the network channels due to static interference. It is a curious place.

What the above three paragraphs boil down to is the reasoning behind the lack of posting last week.

Two more things.

Thing the first: the BIG train show was this weekend. Little Man and I medicated ourselves up and went to the show. A few observances of the festivities.

There were a couple of the model train layouts that were not working. I have trouble with this lack of train movement. This is THE biggest train show event for the area annually and you have trains idle on the tracks? That makes no sense. Go to Plan B if your super de-dooper computerized controlling system isn’t working. There are kids here that want to see trains moving.

I got really tired of the overweight 50 to 60 year old white guys announcing how much better this was than video games because you are actually watching something real happen. If model train hobbies were more active hobbies I might be okay with the disgust that you hold to mere video games, but you are still in your basement being rather sedentary. Well done. You and gamers could get into wheezing contests and tie. Your high horse is in the basement and malnourished, so get off of it.

Whilst being directed by my 4.5 year old, I got interviewed by the local paper about the event. Seven minutes of conversation led to 4 lines in the Sunday Metro Section. That’s us at the end of the article.

Thing the second:
Conversation with Little Man:
LM: Papa
Me: Yes?
LM: Papa
Me: Yes, Sweetie?
LM: Papa, you know what?
Me: What’s that, Big Guy?
LM: I don’t like… I don’t like… I don’t like…
Me: What don’t you like, Little Man?
LM: I don’t like… mean people and diarrhea.

To recap:
Mean people suck
So does diarrhea
Supposedly getting the stove hooked up today
It will be nice being able to cook at home again
Goodness I am tired


All the components are in place. We have cabinetry (one needs to be replaced due to a break). We have countertops. We have appliances (one needs to be replaced since it was clearly dropped). The issue is that all of these constituent pieces are not assembled. Our dining room is a maze of cabinetry in boxes. Our existing kitchen is applianceless, and the new kitchen is not ready for prime time as of yet.

Supposedly the major wall demolition will be occurring tomorrow to remove the old exterior wall to create a 6 1/2 foot entry way from the old kitchen to the new. Associated with this demo, the electrical work is supposed to be finalized, the gas line is supposed to be switched and the plumbing should be finalized as well. Should should should. I have money on all those things not happening tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong, I think our contractor will do everything in his power to make it happen tomorrow, but I just understand that there are just too many systems and processes that have to happen correctly for that to be realistic. Hopefully we will only be out of commission kitchen-wise for a mere week.

Therefore this week will be a week of restaurant frequenting. It takes having a workable kitchen arrangement to actually cook. Tonight? I have no idea what will be for dinner, but we aren’t cooking it. Tomorrow? The same.

So… here we are in the midst of the Kitchen re-model for reals.

To recap:
No stove and no dishwasher make SRH go crazy
By all means these are not the only conditions to do so
“Cleaning out” the old fridge and detaching the other appliances took a long time last night
And this morning
I define “cleaning out” to mean “removing food” and not the application of any specific cleanser in this instance
They delivered the new stuff at 8:15 this morning
I unhooked the dishwasher at 7 this morning
That involved many tools and much banging about in the kitchen and basement
I am exhausted
Little Man is a bit under the weather today
This “a bit under the weather” seems to be lingering for him
Wifey is having trouble maintaining her eat/not eat balance
She goes from fine to starving tiger in 2 seconds
Thanks pregnancy!

Naming Conventions

The modern Yeti of the Himalayas is an elusive and hidden beast. The modern name “Yeti” is derived from one of the indigenous languages of the Nepalese area. It is a bastardized anglacanized version of the word Yah-Teh." The word Yah-Teh directly translates to “That thing there.”

Yep, you read that correctly. Our modern title for a mysterious creature of the frozen roof of the world translates almost directly to “The whatchamacallit.” Here we are in our insulated western languages thinking that the word “Yeti” has some intrinsic value when it turns out that the word basically translates to refer to something to which someone is pointing.

AAAAAAACK!!!! That Thing There!

The salt shaker?

No! That Thing There!!!

The tree?

That Thing There!!!

The snow? What? What is it that you want me to look at? Can you be more descriptive? Oh, you mean the large furry biped who is trudging through the snow. Why didn’t you just say that?

Might I suggest calling it a furred demon, a wild man beast, the mountain spirit, the scary thing over there that shouldn’t be, or even Jimmy(or even better Jimmy, the scary thing over there that shouldn’t be). Call it something more descriptive than “That thing there.” Imagine if you wanted me to pass you a bowl and you said “Hey, can you hand me that thing there?”… to which I would scream and run away fearing that my life would be ended by a mythological primate with questionable intentions?

El Chupacabra = Goat Sucker.

Sasquatch = Wild man of the woods

Orang Pendek = Short person

Yeti = That thing over there

Which one of these three doesn’t belong?

Nice naming convention. How do you refer to bread? “Stuff for eating.”

To recap:
Digital Thursday is ready
I am pretty happy with how it turned out
I might take some time to splain it more
I have some environmental maps that need to be finished up
I am pretty close to having them done though
Lunch was wholly unsatisfying
I slept for crap last night
Wifey is ill today
Her last day of work is tomorrow
They are sending her off with a big hoot-nanny tomorrow afternoon
I here there will be refreshments
I am sadly not invited…


There is some folklore in my family. Well, folklore seems to be a bit light. There is legend told in my family that there aren’t any women born into the family. They are all married into it. Or so the legend goes… Oh, the legend is taken as faith by many of the people in the family. Oddly enough the people who hold the tightest to this faith typically have married into the family.

On Friday of last week we found out that we will be having a stubborn little girl come June of this year. “Why stubborn?” you ask? Well, dear reader, it seems that this little one even with much ungentle coaxing never uncrossed her ankles nor straightened her legs. If it had not become a battle of wills between her and the Dr performing the ultrasound, we probably would not have found out the gender of the baby to be. Plus, I am stubborn and Wifey is stubborn. The chances that any child of ours not being stubborn are fairly high bordering on inevitable. Oh, for those of you who did not know, we are having a little girl. We found out on Friday.

Friday night we had the task of letting family know the joyous news. Wifey’s family was all “Oh, another one, big deal.” I kid, I kid, they were very excited. When telling my family the response was a bit different. I started off by just telling my dad because mom wasn’t home when I called.

Me: Well, we had our tour of the baby ultrasound today. Ten fingers. Ten toes. Umbilical chord where it is supposed to be with the correct number of arteries and veins. Internal organs are internal. Has a bladder. No discernable cleft palette. Stomach seems to be working. Oh, and you will be having a granddaughter.

My Dad: ** Stunned silence**

Me: Dad, we are having a little girl.

My Dad: ummm… a girl… **stunned**

Honestly I could not have stunned the man more if I had hit him in the head with a ball-peen hammer. It took him about 30 seconds to really recover, but then he was amazingly excited.

Me: Well, Mom, we are having a little girl.

My Mom: Well, if anyone was going to go against family tradition it would be you. There hasn’t been a girl born in forever.

Me: Mom, I don’t believe any of that hogwash, plus, Dad has a sister. Her name is Nancy. She is only one generation away from me, and she is in yours.

My Mom: She was the first daughter that the family has had since before William the Conqueror.

Me: I soooo don’t believe that. William the Conqueror had daughters, plus I doubt if we are directly related to him anyway.

My Mom: No, it’s true, I have the family tree. I will show you!

Me: Fine, bring it, I would love to see it.

So there it is, the legend of the Family: There has not been a daughter born to the family since before William the Conqueror. There are clearly holes in this fable. Firstly, I honestly doubt any direct lineage to Big Willy. If we were directly related to Willy Le Bâtard, and there were no daughters associated with that line, our last name would not be Hart, it would be Angevin or some such surname legacy of nobility/royalty surname.

Secondly, MY DAD HAS A FREAKIN SISTER! No to mention historically speaking (relatively recent historical sense surely) the family hasn’t generated very many kids. My brother has 2 kids. I will have 2 kids come June. My grandpa on my dad’s side only had one brother and each of them only had 2 kids. That is not exactly a gigantic statistical sample to pull from. In 12 kids there will only be 2 girls born in 4 generations. Sure one would expect more of a 5 to 7 or 6 to 6 instead of a 2 to 10, but with only 12 coin flips I have gotten more skewed results. Oh, and MY DAD HAS A FREAKING SISTER!

To recap:
Now comes the fight with my mom about equal treatment of all the grandkids
Other than my dad’s completely stunned reaction, he is overjoyed and ecstatic
Of my parents, I would not have picked him for the most appropriate response
Cabinets come on Friday
Appliances come on Friday
Countertop is ready for pickup
I guess our new kitchen will have to be the working kitchen come Saturday
20 questions tomorrow about having a daughter

Brook of ideation

^^Not my work, but I found it funny^^

The funny thing about penguins is that they waddle. When they aren’t waddling they are either just standing or they are sliding on their bellies along the ice in the Antarctic regions. Who doesn’t want to just go all slip-n-slide on the way to work? That is of course they aren’t swimming.

I think going to the grocery store would be more interesting if we had to evade predators to get from the parking lot to the store’s door. People would be both politer and more mercenary in the parking lot at that point. Chatting each other up as the got into groups to make a break for the door, but willing to shove the person next to them into the waiting maw of the parking lot lion hunting us down. DAMN YOU PARKING LOT LIONS!

I can’t decide if parking lot predators would cause us to go for small light trips to the market or big honking trips where you get a month’s worth of groceries. The small trips would allow for greater maneuverability, but larger loads would lessen exposure time. Maybe I am over analyzing, or maybe I would not be that good of a survivor.

My survivability would be in direct opposition to the survivability of whoever was standing near me that I didn’t know. Really, it would be an inverse relationship. Basically, what I am saying is that I would be more than willing to trip someone to ensure the safety and survival of me and mine. I would do the same for a zombie attack as well… especially if the person next to me was a prick. Eat the prick’s brain you mindless undead horde!

What I don’t get about zombies is how they function. They are dead, right? Yet they want to eat the living. What is up with that? Physiologically, what the heck are the undead innards going to do with they “meal” they just ate? Come on people, where is the realism? An undead horde of zombies would not be chasing people to eat them and especially just eat their brains. The unlife would merely be trying to kill people in order to accrete them onto their growing mass. That is the only ecologically sensible reason for the existence of an undead horde, and really, when dealing with the undead one must keep the ecology in mind.

To recap:
I have to pick up some firewood from the grocery store tonight
I just re-read the sentence, and while it is correct, it is odd to say the least
If there were parking lot lions I would not be doing that
That would be a silly reason to go
Especially when there are woods behind the house
So are you a fast zombie or slow zombie person?
Personally, I like the suspense of the slow ones
They seem more ominous and foreboding
The movies with the fast zombies tend to focus more on startle and gore than horror
Digital Thursday is tomorrow


As the white father of a biracial kid, MLK Day has entirely more meaning for me now than it did before. I want my boy to be able to grow up with the only barriers presented to him being those barriers Wifey and I gave him or he created on his own. I don’t want cultural and societal barriers to give him a ceiling that cannot rise beyond. I do not want him to doubt his abilities because there is an inherent cultural bias against the genealogical make-up of the blood in his veins. I want him to doubt in his abilities because I never let him win a game of skill until he is 17. I have fervent hopes that he be disregarded for an opportunity because of his inordinate fear of spiders and not the color of his skin. When he crashes out of law school, I don’t want it to be because of racist professors who see him as “less than.” He should crash out because of his over developed startle reflex. Basically, I want his own sense of crippling self doubt to be his downfall, not the inferiority imposed upon him by bigots. As a father or a biracial child, is that so much to ask?

Luckily there is a bit of a turn in societal issues and cultural morays such that economic status now holds significant weight in the amount of ridicule and antagonism heaped upon children. I can’t say that it trumps race as an “ism,” but classism is definitely on the rise in the US. Sure this helps my little bi-racial middle class boy out, but it really fucks the poor black kids. I am sure they are poor and black for a reason though, so I guess all is how it should be. I have the self satisfaction of being able to look down on the mewling poor thinking (sometimes to myself, sometimes not) “At least Little Man isn’t one of those poor bastards.” Can you believe that I think that without even knowing the marital status of those kids’ parents? It really is a big assumption on my part, but I go with it, because that is the kind of guy that I am.

Anyway… the US Government has not recognized a martyr for the rights of the poor yet (but I do believe they have some targets, ummm… targeted {get it? “Martyrs?” “Targets?” I am incredibly punny), so I am going to refocus this post back to the issue at hand: How the southern states could only pass this day as a holiday by including Robert E Lee into the day’s celebrations. Yep, Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississsisisiisisisisiisiisppii, could only pass the legislation to make today a holiday by having the Civil War Confederate general as a reason to celebrate. So in The South, this is an ambivalent holiday at best. While they celebrate fighting the established racist laws and society they also celebrate the fight against the tyranny of the federal stance on human ownership. The irony is kind of deliciously ironic in a moronic sort of way. One would think that the bigot legislatures could have just Jim Crowed up some lazy stereotypes and made it into a satirical holiday celebrating how the brown man needs extra time off whilst Whitey doesn’t. Something so nuanced as social satire is typically lost on bigots though. Unbridled irrational hate tends to blur the lines of sarcasm, and really that is where the sadness truly lies.

To recap:
Painted the new addition this weekend
Cabinets are being delivered this week
Appliances the following week
Now all we need is countertops
20 Questions Tuesday is tomorrow
More motivational topics
Too much sarcasm and satire?
Just enough?
Not enough?
Let me know


This morning on my way into work it hit me like a ton of bricks. “Hey, I could open up my sunroof”… and I did. I opened up the sunroof with wild abandon. It was like I was one of those girls on the Girls Gone Wild videos except I am a guy, I wasn’t drunk, I have fairly high self esteem, and it was only my sunroof… but the wild abandon and the “who cares if they see this attitude” was there. That counts for something, right?

It is January 2008 in central Ohio and I am driving to work with my sunroof open. Anybody else see this as atypical weather? I know a bunch of you out there will be thinking, “Just be glad that it is so nice out.” Well stop thinking that. I would rather it be super cold in January and February so that March, April and May won’t have any cold spells. As it is, for every nice day we see in January, we get 3 crap ones in March or April. Put that in your crack-pipe and smoke it fair weather junkies!

The other big issue with it being a whopping 62° F (16.667° C) here is that it is playing havoc with my ever so sensitive sinuses. I cannot survive going from 20° F to 60° F in a week’s time. Pick a temp and stay with it for a while. Is that so much to ask? Clearly it is.

My head hurts, my hair is messed up, and I am whiney.

To recap:
I could probably cut glass with some of the dry skin on my hands
Or my left elbow
Or my ankles
I should probably use lotion
New shirt today and I have already gotten 3 compliments
I need to start exercising again
Listening to Pizza Day by the Aquabats!
More bands need to less full of themselves
Hooray for Pizza Day
Why, Fluffy, I have been expecting you
I need to get some food
Because food is good
I already have stuff for Digital Thursday
It is only Monday
The continuation of the Holiday Season 20 Questions Tuesday will take place tomorrow
It will be all fat and bloated from the holiday feasting
Who would have thought that Chutes and Ladders would be so captivating
Oh, college students, my bad


The topic at work today is “What are your New Year’s resolutions.” The other topic is “I am so glad that I don’t have to write checks anymore, because I would get the year wrong each time.” But we aren’t talking about the second topic, because it is just plain silly.

Resolutions tend to be a bit like self fulfilling broken prophecies. I think this is due to how people frame the resolutions. People tend to make them way too particular and typically unattainable. Therefore I will turn the old blogarooney into a self help styled blog today to assist with creating reasonable resolutions.

Number 1: Be vague. It is much easier to “be more healthy” than it is to “lower my cholesterol by 50 points.” Vague is the way to go because it is harder to miss a vague target. You only lower the cholesterol by 45 points… you broke the specific resolution, but the vague one is a winna!

Number 2:
Do not associate a timeframe to the resolution. Give yourself the entire year, these are year long resolutions anyway. “I will lose 25 lbs by the summer so I will look good at the beach.” That is a 6 month resolution which means you need to lose 5 lbs every month during the dreary winter months filled with slothful heavy foods. Good luck. How about you lose the 25 over the course of 12 months? Or better yet, make the resolution “to look better naked.” 25 pounds? Highly unlikely. “Better looking nekkid?” Attainable.

Number 3: Stay away from addictions. Smoking, alcohol, heroine, gambling, World of Warcraft, porn (this is the Interweb after all), lip-balm, etc… these resolutions are destined to be broken… and fast. Fighting addictions is not something that should be reduced to a “resolution.” Addictions take lifestyle change, and lifestyle change does not happen because the calendar year went up by 1.

There you go! Three hints to make attainable New Year’s resolutions.

What are SRH’s New Year’s resolutions? You ask. Well, good reader, I don’t make resolutions. They are stupid.

To recap:
Still late posting today
But not sooooo late
Tomorrow is Digital Thursday
Here’s a hint: “OOkla has a friend”
Not sure what is going on for dinner tonight
I hope it involves my car starting
I drove Wifey’s car today and stranded her at the house
I am good like that
16° F (-8.889° C) seemed a bit too cold for my crappy battery
Hopefully 25° F (-3.889° C) won’t be
I knew I should have driven it around yesterday

Back in the Saddle

I can’t say that coming back in to post this week is all that welcomed. It was really nice not posting for a week. Alas and alack, here I am typing up some crap for you schlubs.

I was hoping to make this post a very acerbic one where I sarcasmed (Yes, I just made “Sarcasm” into a verb. What of it?) out a bunch of wit and wisdom. Unfortunately, I think it will be a post bringing everyone out there in the blogospere back up to speed in the life of SRH and fam. These posts are known for their boredom inducing yawns.

First Up: Wifey has an eBay addiction. Well, it is a somewhat controlled addiction to be fair. You see, this year we got Little Man some Tomica World trains for Christmas. The issue is that Tomy trains in the US and UK are only Thomas the Tank Engine trains. Little Man is not too hip on Thomas. You see, Thomas is not a train that he even remotely has the opportunity to see when we go watch the railroads. Thomas is some freaky thing from a show with bad voice over. Tomy’s US train selection was not always this way. In the past Tomy Trains actually included an Amtrak diesel and other “real world” trains.

Here comes the eBay addiction… Wifey was intent determined obsessed with acquiring some non-Thomas trains for the boy. The only non-Thomas engines being sold in the US were associated with eBay auctions. The issue is that she cannot handle the stress of the online bidding process and therefore makes me do it. She makes me do it while asking me every 30 minutes where things sit with the auctions and what the bid is up to even if there are 3 days left in the auction. We won a couple of auctions and now Little Man is replete with non-Thomas trains. We also ordered some trains from Japan as well. It is just how Wifey rolls.

Second Up: Christmas was very good to me this year. I got good amounts new clothes and some new shoes, but the wonderfulness Christmas-wise showed up in the form of music. I got $50 worth of iTunes, an iPod dock for work, and one of those FM tuner iPod thingies for the car. It took me less than an hour to burn through the $50. Arctic Monkeys, Arcade Fire, the Aquabats!, Mutemath, and various other artists now grace my iPod nano with their dulcet tones. Thanks to Karen for the musical recommendations. So far they have all worked out swimmingly.

Third Up: Turns out Wifey has been holding out on me. We have been married for over 10 years, and dating for coming up on 14 years. She knows my likes and dislikes. She knows me better than I know myself most of the time. She really is my heart’s joy and the soul of our relationship. That being said, she also has been harboring a hideous secret from me for the entirety of our relationship. You see, yesterday I found out that she has had a quick way to make doughnuts… DOUGHNUTS!!!! QUICKLY!!! And she has denied me this information for the bulk of our relationship (I define bulk of our relationship as 5015/5016ths or .999800… ).

Why would she deny me the bliss of fried dough when I so dearly love it… WHY!?!?!?!

To recap:
Little Man made out like a robber baron of yore
Happy New Years to everyone
Staying at home to celebrate
Not that I do not have invitations to parties
I am popular like that
Multiple invites
No, really
I have decided to not play favorites and grace any party with my presence
I am nothing if not a benevolent deity
Actually, since Wifey is in bed by 10 pm every night it makes more sense to stay home
I do need to get me some New Year’s snacks though
Mmmmmm New Year’s snacks
20 Questions tomorrow

Meeting Hell

The company’s holiday hootnanny is this afternoon from 3:30pm to 5:30 pm. There will be cake, cookies, and juice. It is like I am in grade-school again except they aren’t letting us out early for the holiday. It will be a nice time for the owners of the company to feel like they are giving something back to the little guy.

I mentioned this before, but lately I have been getting a shit ton of hits associated with a craptastic jpeg image I posted of Theodore from the Chipmunks a year ago. Most likely the hits are somehow associated with the new movie coming out. Anyway, the image is absolutely horrid in resolution. I have done a vector version for all you rabid fans out there. I will also place this version next to the other when I get home tonight.

I have been in meeting hell all day long. Now I am back at my desk and I have stuff that needs to get done and it is friggin hot. I am not wearing the clothes necessary to take a layer off, so I am sweltering here. Anyway… I have another meeting to get to.

To recap:
Hippos are the 3rd largest animal on land
An adult male hippo can weigh as much as 7000lbs but usually weight 5000lbs
That is 3175 kg at max and 2268kg typically
Or 15,875,730 carats at max or 11,339,810 carats typically
Or 500 stones max or 357 stones typically
Or 3.5 tons max and 2.5 tons typical
Hippos are the closest living land animals to whales and dolphins
They can hold their breath for about 5 minutes
The hippo's yawn is not a sign of sleepiness or boredom but is actually a threat gesture, displaying long, thick, razor-sharp canine teeth, or tusks, with which it is capable of biting a small boat in half
Hippos can open their mouths a whopping 150°
Hippos have killed more than 400 people in Africa
That is more than any other animal in Africa
Hippos have a “T” shaped pupil which allows them to see both above and below the water at the same time
Hippos always charge in a straight line
They are too large to maneuver at high speeds


So Friday night the fam decided to go to dinner at a local Bar-B-Que place. We figured that since Mimma was attached to a walker due to her knee surgery a restaurant with only 1 step would be a good idea. The meal came and it was delightful. I had a pulled pork sandwich, Wifey, a Bar-B-Que salad, Little Man had a Hamburger, and Mimma worked on some ribs. A delightful meal indeed. The meal was over and it was time for the fam to go its separate ways. Mimma was going to her house, much to Little Man’s chagrin, and the rest of us were going to our house. Fairly mundane stuff.

Mimma parked on the opposite side of the restaurant so we parted inside and headed to our respective cars. Once we got outside, Wifey said to me, “Hey, it’s a Friday night and since my mom is using a walker she is pretty vulnerable right now. I am going to go walk her to her car.”

“Sure thing, Honey.” I replied without so much another thought. I had Little Man’s hand and we were both trekking to our car a few rows of vehicles away. We get to the car, and I buckle Little Man’s seat belt and think, “Did I just send my pregnant little wife to ‘protect’ somebody? Because, you know, she's kind of an easy mark as well being all small and pregnant... at the same time.”

I am quite the chivalrous fellow.

To recap:
A shit-ton of people have been hitting the blog looking for images of Theodore from the Chipmunks
It must be due to the new movie coming out
Tomorrow is Little Man’s Christmas Hootnanny at preschool
There will be cookies
I know this because Wifey and Little Man are making them right now
The Wendy’s Chili experiment mentioned on Thursday’s post was a success
Wow, tasted just like Wendy’s chili
And did it make a lot
Tomorrow’s 20 Questions is about the holiday season

Two Questions I Cannot Answer

I cannot get the fervor up to fever pitch anymore to write down a good and truly heartfelt rant, a rant that both smacks of snark and lambastes with bile. I have started a couple of rants the past few weeks and then half way through decided that I didn’t really feel that vehemently against the current story arc present in Heroes Season 2 or the lack of mainstreamed new enduring music. I would get just to the point of frothing at the mouth and decide, that I really didn’t care that much anyway. With touches of ambivalence, the impetus for a good rant dies the slow agonizing death of “Meh.”

It is truly a bizarre phenomenon indeed. I can usually get my ire in a lurch to spout vitriol about a topic with the merest external urge. One could say, “Did you see how X interacted with Y?” and I would be impelled to respond with a four paragraph soliloquy deriding them for asking me a dreaded word problem without first defining X and Y. I would rant passionately about things I didn’t care about. I could fill pages with odd analogy, poorly coined phrases, and insipid puns about dark vs. light toast. I could generate scathing witticisms that were like fingernails on the chalkboard of discourse, but that seems to be gone…

Has the fire in my belly, a fire fiercer than 1000 suns, a conflagration hot enough to separate the hydrogen from oxygen in water to create more fuel, an inferno of unparallelled thermal dynamism, has that fire truly cooled off? Have I become too holistic in my observances to laser in on one aspect and deny the bigger picture? Have I nurtured my abilities of understanding other reasons for motivation too much, such that now I cannot stand on a box for soap and extol my opinion’s virtues while denigrating the existence of other opinions?

What does this mean for my future? I cannot help but let you readers know that I am scared. Not scared like, “Am I gonna die?” More scared like, “When I open this jug, will the milk be smelly?” but it is fear nonetheless. Two questions come to mind when my idle mind wanders aimlessly in this direction. Question 1: Is this just a temporary set back in my ranting ways? Question 2: Is the ability to become enraged by minutia and convey said ire in the form of an acerbic diatribe necessary for my continued existence? Question 2a: Can I truly be the me that I know and love without the ability to rant poetic? That is a question I cannot answer.

To recap:
The Christmas card is coming along nicely
A few text edits here and there and it will be complete
Then all that is left is the physical production
Stuffing the envelopes
And Mailing
See? Easy peasy lemon squeezie
What motivates a risen from the dead mummy after the revenge is meted out?
I mean the sole reason for a mummy returning from the dead is to exact revenge on those who have desecrated his final resting place
That is another question I cannot answer

Three Things

Every year Wifey demands that I make our Christmas/Holiday cards pretty much from scratch. There are sooo many things that go into the proper creation of Christmas/Holiday cards that I have to keep floating around in my head. There are a myriad of questions that need to be answered. How subtle should the holiday message be? Should I get a pic of the family wearing matching sweaters and matching grimaces? Why won’t Wifey leave me alone and let me play some more World of Warcraft? This post is about three things that one must keep in mind when creating their own Christmas/Holiday cards.

Thing the First: What size will the card be and what format? Is it a post card format? Will it be a bi-fold, a tri-fold, a bi-fold with and insert, a single sided with an attachment? There are questions that have to be answered. Typically I am not allowed to make this decision.

Thing the Second: Fewer things are harder to find in the world than a good font for a Christmas card. It needs to not be boring yet be legible but not too frilly and still festive but without being ostentatious while maintaining a certain level of decorum. It truly is a delicate balance. Along with a more standard font here are the fonts in the running:

Thing the Third: Printing is an issue. What media? On photo paper, matte cardstock, parchment, heavy linen, blah blah blah.

Sure there are other questions, like who the heck should get these, but those question are answered by higher powers than me.

To recap:
Card is almost done
Wifey needs to help with the text
But I think it is mostly there
Maybe a topic for Digital Thursday?
Shout out to the Mim
She had one of her knees internally cleaned this morning
Much ice has been administered by Little Man
He is good like that
Tomorrow’s 20 Questions Tuesday will again focus on Time

It's a G thang

Since my falling out with organized Churches in 1996, I have not been exactly keen on the whole Christianity thang. Therefore I have been pleasantly boycotting organized Christianity for the better part of 11 years now. The 4 years previous, I just didn’t go that often, but now it is a full on boycott, and let me tell you, Christianity has truly been feeling the weight behind my boycott. I think it will cave soon. Don’t hate the playah, people. Hate the Game.

Well, in my aversion to churchihood, I have not really been leading Little Man down the path of Christendom. That is to say that I have not really informed him of any dogmatic tradition. This is a point of consternation with Wifey. She feels that Little Man should get a solid grounding in religion and spirituality, and I feel that would only put Little Man in contact with people who use religion as a crutch to feel better about themselves because they aren’t doomed to Hell like those poor bastards that don’t think just like they do and goose-step to the same tune… (editor’s note: Umm… We had to truncate the last rant back to only a few lines. 3 paragraphs of vitriol was deemed to be a bit much. Needless to say, it seems the author has some un-resolved Christianity issues. Thanks – the management)

To make a long story short, because of Little Man’s lack of Christianic exposure, he calls the son of God, “G.” Yep, Jesus has been truncated to “G.” This is something I can completely get behind. It makes prayer much more street. In fact, I would love to see more doctrine modernized to take in the flavor of “G.”

Sermon on the Mount (or the B-attitudes): G was all like,
“Listen Bitches. Props to the Juiceless, for they will get the keys.
“Shout out to the Sad, comfort’s on the way.”
“Shout out to the Meek. BOO! Mother Fucker! Just kiddin’ You guys are gonna do alright…”

To recap:
Wow, Little Man misses Momma in the mornings
So do I, but he gets a bit frustrated at Papa’s morning ineptitude
I’m going to Hell, aren’t I?
That is a rhetorical question
I don’t want your answers
I already know what they are going to be
20 Questions Tuesday will be all about “Time” tomorrow
“Tomorrow” is a human construct that will never actually occur
Words associated with the future sense of time are logically confusing

Not enough time in the night

Last night I stayed up into the weee hours of the morning polishing up stuff for tomorrow’s Digital Thursday. I have a few tweaks I am going to try tonight to finalize the digital art that I have for tomorrow, but it is basically done, but this post is not about the relative completeness or incompleteness of material for tomorrow, today’s post is about circadian rhythms. Cicadan rhythms are really the music of summer nights in the south. The endless chorus of insects on a hot July evening could lull most people to sleep even when it is a beastly 85° F at night (that’s 29.444° C for you metricists out there and 302.5944K for the lone physicist I know. What up Dr B-Dawg? Holla holla.) Somehow I think I got off the subject here…

You see, I am a night owl of the highest degree. I don’t really start being creative or really effective at anything until around 11 pm at night. So I was doing creative stuff from about 10 pm last night until 2 am. It took me over an hour to completely unplug and decompress enough to start sleeping, and the first hour of sleep was not the soundest hour of rest I have ever had. Little Man woke my butt up this morning at 7:16 am. I am not great with the math anymore, but that does not add up to many hours of sleep for a work day. Actually it does not add up to very much sleep. The “for a work day” phrase was completely unnecessary, or as I like to say “extraneous,” because that phrase is waaaay more “neous” than it needs to be, by golly. Now where was I? Oh, yes… lack of sleep.

Here in lies the problem. I need to spend a portion of my day doing something creative (because creativity is not really looked upon as a good quality where I work). This creative outlet can take the form of a bunch of different things. I like doing the whole digital art thang. Sometimes I write. I have been doing some GD stuff on the side for Wifey. “GD” is what we like to call an acronym. The fun thing about this particular acronym is the double meaning it could take on. You see, in this instance it stands for Graphic Design, but in many self censoring circles it also stands for an acceptible way of cursing in public. So, what was I writing about? Oh, yes… My creative output can take all manner of creative forms. Well, except for writing music, playing a musical instrument (other than an iPod), or singing… or sculpture. I hate sculpting. I like looking at sculptures and marveling at how they were created, but I cannot stand doing it myself. Sculpting is fine and dandy for others to do, but it is not my cup of tea. Truth be told, my cup of tea is actually Mountain Dew, but I am, going off on a tangent here. Or was it there?

Anyway… what I am getting at is that I have a need to create stuff (not procreate, I think we all know I have done that enough), but my creativity pretty much requires me staying up late, but my child and my work require me getting up in the morning. Something is going to break, and, alas, I think it shall be me. I am exhausted today, but wildly happy about the work I have been producing.

To recap:
I am one tired puppy
I am really happy with tomorrow’s digital stuff
When I get home I will link my “deviant art” page
I need to finish up some details and then I am going to bed tonight
Probably by 11
Monsterquest is on the History channel at 10 to 11
Oooooh cryptozoologocals
I do love me some cryptozoologicals
Have I mentioned how tired I am?

Don't ask

For the past 4+ years Wifey and I have been getting the same question: “So when are you going to have the next one?” Which is a similar question to the one we had been getting for the previous 5 years: “So, when are you two going to start a family.” The only time in our marriage when people were not willing to ask us about when we were going to have a/nother kid was when Wifey was visibly pregnant. The questions started in the receiving line at our wedding and have continued (and still do since Wifey is not obvious about her pregnanciness just yet). This post is for everyone who has asked us these questions and is asking other couple’s these questions. In a word, “Stop.”

In more than a word…

Getting pregnant is a tricky business. For some it is a cake walk (16 year olds in the back seat of a car) and for others it takes extra measures. Since it is such a personal decision to have children the emotions wrapped up in the process can run pretty high. When you ask someone “When are you going to have kids?” you are pre-supposing that the people you are asking Number 1: want kids, Number 2: can have them, and more importantly Number 3: haven’t been actively and unsuccessfully trying for some lengthy period of time.

Wifey and I were lucky enough to start the creation of Little Man rather quickly. I think Little Man’s zygotic self started out the second month after Wifey stopped with the oral contraception. This new Little Bundle has been a bit more difficult to start up.

Our most recent endeavor to expand the family started in August of 2006. In December 2006, Wifey’s gall bladder started acting up. So we had to determine what was the cause of this. A few tests later it was determined that a tumor was in her liver impinging the ducts from her gall bladder thus negatively affecting her ability to inject bile into her digestive system and break down fats efficiently. The issue that the surgeon wanted us to determine was if the tumor was hormonally affected, that meant stopping the whole baby-making process for a few months. “So, when are you two planning on having another?” What I said, “Oh, I don’t know, one seems to be more than we can handle at the moment, I would hate to think what two would do to me.” Then I would give a polite laugh. What I thought, “Well, you see, we can’t try at the moment because my wife has a tumor with a static growth rate unless it is bombarded by hormones and then it grows like a baby elephant on crack, and the only way we can make sure that it is not hormonally induced is by doing some sort of wait and see puppet show… grumble grumble grumble.”

Fast forward to March 07 when we were cleared by the surgeon to do the hibbity-jibbity for the purpose of baby-making. Nothing happened between March and June, well…. Not nothing, if you know what I mean… wink, wink, nudge, nudge, A wink’s as good as a nudge to a blind bat. Know what I mean? Know what I mean? But it was in May/Jun that Wifey really started taking stock in how her cycle lined up with what the Intertubes presented as the typical cycle. It looked like the amount of time between when she ovulated and the time that Aunt Flow came to town was a little on the short side. Her Luteal phase (implantation window), as the medical and trying-to-get-pregnant Internet community call it, was a few days short but not completely out of the realm of possibility for getting pregnant. So, to help our chances, Wifey went on Clomid to help extend her luteal phase. Nothing really happened in June. “So, when are you two planning on having another?” What I said, “Oh, I don’t know, one seems to be more than we can handle at the moment, I would hate to think what two would do to me.” Then I would give a polite laugh. What I thought, “Oh, we have been trying thankyouverymuch, but it is not working like we had planned. I was wondering if you could kick me in my teeth too, or maybe knee me in the groin. Thanks for bringing up this subject that is intensely personal and none of your damn business.”

July was a different story. July Wifey and I got ourselves pregnant. Some of you are doing the math right now and realizing that July was more than 8 weeks ago. A few days before Little Man’s fourth birthday, Wifey had a miscarriage. It was devastating. It was like a punch to the gut. We had let a few of our friends know and had shared the happy news with family. We had to retract that happiest of news and replace it with pretty crappy news. We were well on our way beyond hopeful. I had started looking for the onesies that make me think of “newborn.” Wifey had ordered some maternity stuff that was on clearance. We were integrating the idea of a new one in the household. That didn’t happen, but a bunch of melancholy and morose moping did occur. We had to wait for at least 2 more months before trying again. “So, when are you two planning on having another?” What I said, “Oh, I don’t know, one seems to be more than we can handle at the moment, I would hate to think what two would do to me.” Then I would give a polite laugh. What I was thinking, “Fuck off! You have no idea how insensitive that ‘innocuous’ question really is. I should ask you when you are getting your car re-painted and then go and key it. Now I am going to go find an empty conference room and try not to weep while I am at work… jackass.”

The big issue that came up during all of this is that the luteal phase really hadn’t extended since the medication… that crazy-making medication had been taken. So, Wifey changed OBGyn’s in September due to a change in insurance providers, and asked to try out adding progesterone supplements to her regimen and increase her luteal phase that way. Well, it seems that the luteal phase extended enough in October for us to be in the pregnancy column again. Then around the same time in her cycle as the miscarriage occurred, Wifey gets some cramping and a little bit of bleeding. Our first thoughts were, “Oh shit! Not again.” The new OB takes this very seriously and orders all sorts of diagnostics to get done. Wifey gets a boatload of blood-work done and for three weeks in a row we have ultrasounds take place. “So, when are you two planning on having another?” What I said, “Oh, I don’t know, one seems to be more than we can handle at the moment, I would hate to think what two would do to me.” Then I would give a polite laugh. What I was thinking, “Everything is hanging in a balance, think only positive thoughts such that only good will happen, pay no attention to the insensitivities of others and let them ask their boorish questions like they are rhinos in a china closet. They do not realize how invading and demoralizing their question is. You are a lake, a placid lake filled with happy waters surrounded by peaceful snow capped mountains and, it seems, asses who want to know all your personal shit… happy lake…. Happy Frikkin Lake Damnit!”

Last week, we got the fourth ultrasound in a week and everything seems to be progressing along typically for someone in their seventh week (now eighth week) of pregnancy. We decided in the doctor’s parking lot to handle this pregnancy as if none of the crap leading up to it had occurred. So now, it has become public knowledge. “So, when are you two planning on having another?” What I said, “It turns out that Wifey is pregnant right now, but you need to know that the question you just asked is very insensitive and really none of your business.” What I was thinking, “It turns out that Wifey is pregnant right now, but you need to know that the question you just asked is very insensitive and really none of your damn business.”

FYI: The correct question is, "Are you planning on having kids?" or "Are you planning on having more kids." Associate no time frame with it, and definitely no implicit expectations.

To recap:
Wifey and Little Man didn’t get out of their pajamas all day yesterday
If we didn’t need to go to the grocery store for dinner supplies
Tomorrow’s 20 questions shall be about adding to the family
Enjoyment shall be had by all
I got some new shoes this weekend
Yea! Me!
Yesterday, Little Man actually napped
With his eyes closed and sleeping and everything
It was very odd
And wonderful because I napped as well
I am not sure what will be for dinner tonight

Halloween '07

Here it is being 3years and a day and I have absolutely nothing to write about. Hmmm… does one lose everything they want to talk about after 3 years of blathering on? Nah, the Internet couldn’t be so lucky. I have a few topics to consider today.

Firstly, I am sitting at my desk contemplating the whole NaNoWriMo phenomenon. Should I go for it, should I just flesh out a book idea? Should should should. I am not certain if I have the time allocation available to actually wholeheartedly go after this goal. I am thinking that maybe it would be worth a go if it were 2 months, but 1 month… Wow, that is some time commitment. The month endeavor starts up tomorrow, so I guess if I am going to go for it, I need to do some preliminary world building tonight.

The only issue with world building this evening is that there are all these street urchins in costume who will be begging me for candy with threats of egging the house in their back pocket. Well, that is not the ONLY issue. Supposedly Discovery Channel is also debuting a new show about cryptids tonight! And that is DEFINITELY on the must watch list. So, my world building exercise will be minimal at best.

Secondly, I have a hard time giving disgruntled 15 year olds candy when they don’t dress up and just expect me to fill their crumpled garbage bag with candy that should go to the more deserving kids who actually still enjoy the whole Halloween process. These 15 year olds are also the ones who will most likely egg the house if I do not relinquish to them a pack of smarties. I don’t understand the entitlement that these kids exhibit. If people don’t give them candy for not participating in the cultural norm of Halloween, they think they are entitled to vandalize property. I hate them and their smug sense of superiority… If that ball comes in my yard one more time I’m keeping it… Oh, Hell Nos! I have become THAT guy.

Thirdly, I am not sure of the exact moment I became a curmudgeonly old man shaking his fist at those damn kids with their loud music and weird clothes and lack of respect for their elders. Those kids who have it so easy with their technomological gadgetry. When I was in high school “lol” needed another “l” and was what your head did in Mr. Haynes’s American History class after the third anecdote about Calvin Coolidge. When I was growing up, if I wanted to call my best friend and he wasn’t in the same room as me, I had to wait until I got home and mom was done talking to her friend. I would have to watch something on one of the 4 channels that our aerial could actually pick up. There I was sitting on my parents 20 year old couch watching static in the shape of MacGyver try to disarm a bomb with a knife and some asparagus, waiting for my mom to finish talking on the phone with some lady who thinks that alternative music is ruining kids these days so I could let Pre-Capt McArmypants know that the newest issue of X-men Blue was out and Jim Lee had pulled out all the stops on this one… ummm….

To recap:
Have a great and safe Halloween everyone
I doubt Little Man will be into the whole Trick or Treat experience this year
Next year though
Tomorrow is Digital Thursday
I have a couple of things to bring out for it
By “couple” I do mean “two”…
At most
It will be interesting to see who is in a candy coma at work tomorrow