mmmmm Mt Dew, Elixir of Life

Some people choose their caffeine to be warm, some choose it to be in bar form, and some choose for it to be in a pill form. Me, I want my caffeine to be effervescent and green. Mt Dew could be Man's greatest creation, it is a chilled caffeinated wonder drink. It is sweet, but it does not rot your teeth off immediately. It is caffeinated, but it does not hit you like a ton of bricks, nor does one taste the bitter flavor of caffeine. The best part of the entire drink is one of the ingredients. This ingredient makes the drink a smooth rich liquid. It helps the drink to slide down your throat effortlessly instead of burning like Coke. It is "brominated vegatable oil." Who would have thought that vegeatble oil would have a place in a modern drink? Whomever that person is, I wish them well.

mmmmmm effervescent green elixir of life, I owe you so much.

Something Witty This Way Comes

At least I wish that something witty would come this way. It would pick up my day greatly, seeing how not interesting my day has been so far. This morning was one long meeting. Much got accomplished at the meeting, but that did not make it any less boring. "Boring, yet productive" that's what I want my work legacy to be remembered as. Maybe I could strive for "inneffective, yet enjoyable" or "useless, yet time-consuming" (no wait, I think I have that one already).

this just in....

One of my co-workers just mentioned that the $50 tickets to the up-coming Steelers/Eagles game on Sunday in Pittsburgh are going for $1200 to $1500, and the crappy-assed $30 upper-nosebleed tickets are going for upwards of $200. My God people! watch the damn thing on TV, on your new $1500 dollar tv.

I really do not undertsand the fervor with which some people follow certain sporting events. I do not get it, and I never will.

I have absolutely nothing to write about today

Nothing, nada, zip, zilch, zero.

I could write more about election woes, but it would not help the outcomes any. I could write about how work gets in the way of my sleeping time. I could write about how my baby is going to be a shitty-shitty-damn-damn baby because I curse so much at home. Instead of those things I am choosing to write about nothing.

None of my election woes can be changed now without another election, so my complaining will not be able to sway anyone's ideas, or change the outcome in and way, shape, or form. I must learn how to live within the system that was voted for on election day. I am sure that there will be change, come the next election. Well, here's hoping anyway...

No one wants to hear about how work impedes sleep. We all know that work gets in the way of doing fun stuff. If work were fun it wouldn't be called work. Every weekday morning I have to pull my sorry ass out of bed to make myself get to work, and I have a job that I like. I cannot imagine what it would be like if I actually did not enjoy what I do. I guess the difficulty of getting out of bed would become even more difficult. Stupid work with its requirement of being there and accomplishing things. At least I have meetings today and tomorrow, so I do not have to work as hard.

Other then my wife and I, no one cares that our little one will be cursing a blue streak. Most find it absolutely hilarious when a 2 year old drops the f-bomb. Everyone laughs and smiles at the mortified parents. The only thing that I want to make sure about though, is that my child knows how to curse properly. There is nothing worse than a poorly cursing shitty-shitty-damn-damn baby. That only shows that the parents are not willing to teach their children properly, and if I teach my little one anything, it will be when it is appropriate to say in clearly annunciated English "fucking" versus the more colloquial "fuckin'."

I am choosing to write about nothing. The wonderful thing about nothing is that you can say all you want to about it and be perfectly safe. Who can contradict nothing? No one, that's who. I will state that absolutely nothing is perfect. Nothing is the best subject matter ever, so that is what I shall write about today. Yup, nothing. I wish I had something, but I do not. Oh well, nothing it is.

Defense of marriage

How can I quantify my disappointment in how many of the various so called "defense of marriage" amendments were passed in yesterday's elections. I am absolutely stunned by how bigotted, prejudiced, and petty our society is. The necessity of this legislation begs a few questions.

1. Were marriages defenseless? Why did they need defending and who was attacking them?


2. Did I miss an announcement that was made concerning the mandantory participation in homosexual marriages? I am not sure why it was necessary to make those unions "more illegal."

In general my faith in the US as a good place to raise my child has been rocked. Today I dislike people in general, especially the people who think state sponsored discrimination is acceptable.

Election day

I am soooo happy that the end of the political commercials is upon us. I am so tired of hearing how Kerry eats babies and how bush bathes in the blood of innocent children. Will somebody please think about the children?!?!

I hope that this is a presidential election that is decided by more than 5%, otherwise it is going to be contested until December. I also hope that this time the popular vote is congruent with the electoral vote, just so that the results are in-disputable. I also have a hope of who will win, but that is neither here nor there. I just want the damn thing done. I voted this morning, it took an hour and a half, and we got to the polling place only 15 minutes after it openned. Stupid election.

The little one had his 15 month check-up today. It went very well except for the fact that he got 3 shots. He seems to hate those, oddly enough. He is doing well even though he has an inordinate amount of food allergies (please, please, please grow out of most of them).

Luckily he never went to a Kerry rally, I hear he eats babies.

What is all this neo-blue-collarism about?

I do not understand the Discovery Channel anymore. Monster Garage, Monster house, American Chopper, Southern Chopper, American Hot-Rod, Great American Biker Build-off, Big, etc.... I know I forgot something in there, but those are the only ones from their line-up that I can remember.

All of their programming seems to be centered around building stuff now. I can understand a night devoted to hands on work, or maybe 2 nights, but every night there is some annoying show devoted to 'suping' up something mechanical. Every night? Come on. What happened to the days of "Wild Discovery," or stuff on ancient civilizations? How hard would it be to add that kind of programming back into the mix. Or remember when they focused on technology? The Discovery Channel focusing on "Discoveries?" Impossible.

As it is I have to wade through the testosterone filled programs where one watches gear-heads argue about how to best fabricate a new exhaust system. I am not saying that the Discovery Channel is not a proper out-let for this type of viewing material, but I am saying that there is a more varied line up that could be achieved.

I know, I know, Discovery Channel now has The Science Channel and the NY Times/ Discovery Civilization Channel, but not everyone who is interested in shows on human evolution/the Great Depression/archeology/physics/etc... can get digital cable.

And the Learning Channel, or TLC. When the heck did they decide that they wanted to be BBCA. Throw in an episode of Fawlty Towers or Python occassionally, and they would be the exact damn channel, just without any British accents.

And don't get me started on the History Channel.